Hello, my name is Aghamammad.

I am a guide from BAku

I was born and raised in Baku, Azerbaijan. My profession is an engineer-builder and for a long time I worked in my profession. but since, I love travelling so much and communicatee with people from all walks of life, I decided to choose this wonderful profession - being a guide. I have a long experience working with people, am fluent in Russian, spoken English and Turkish languages, and most importantly I am very well aware of the most interesting places that are of interest for tourists and local people. With me you will not only visit the touristic spots, but will experience the real life of Baku and Azerbaijan that lived by the locals; what a great way to experience a new country. An endless love for my country encourages me carry out engaging excursions and present the travelers with the most unforgettable impressions about Azerbaijan. With me, you can experience Baku and other regions of the country, discover all her amazing features and places - from its rich history and culture to an amazing nature and delicious culinary

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